5. Czianya @ Czny Blog Design she did a great job on my blog. I have made some changes but I love it all.
Now it does come with some rules that must be followed upon receiving this award:
* Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award
* Share 10 honest things about myself
* Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and or design, or those who have encouraged me.
* Tell those 7 people they've been awarded Honest Scrap and inform them of these guidelines in receiving.
So now for my 10 honest things:
- I got married at 17, and even though I am young I don't regret marrying my husband, we have a lot of ups and downs but I love him.
- I love my kiddoes, although sometimes I am very impatient and i feel like a bad mom.
- Girls scare me, my daughter is only 8months old and I dread the day she grows up.
- My son is the most hyperactive kid I have ever met, I am 23 years old and I feel I have no energy for him.
- I learned how to HTML and CSS with the help of a fellow blogger and lots and lots of tutorials.
- I have a lot more to learn about HTML, CSS, XHTML, and whatever other web coding stuff but I like doing it so I will eventually learn it.
- I love to design wether its digital scrapbooking, blogs, or invitations/cards/announcements.
- I love people's reaction when I have made something for them, it makes what I do more rewarding
- Both my Hubby and I are unemployed, and it sucks, but we can make it through this.
- My dream is to do this fulltime, I can literally stay on the computer all day just drawing, and coding.
- Ryann from A Working Blogging Mommy ; I met her at a mommy forum (and designed her blog) and she is just an awesome person!
- Paige from The Nurse Mommy; I also met her at the mommy forum (and yes designed her blog as well) and Paige is one of the sweetest people!
- Jackie from Monkey Mayhem; She is also part of the mommy forum (yes blog designed by me) she is so into her blogging/reviewing that she inspires me to be a better blogger (yes I suck lol)
- Kristin from Our Ordinary Life; Also met her at the mommy forum, she's another awesome blogger, she has alot of good posts about life and other stuff.
- Megan from Flergalicious; I just love her digital supplies, shes one designer that makes me wish I could buy everything she makes!
- Amanda from Kevin and Amanda; She makes free fonts from you handwriting! Shes just awesome like that, she also makes some digital scrapbooking kits and gives tips on blog prettyfying, I have used some of her fonts and they just make my stuff look much more personal.
7. Michelle from Herron Studios; She's the one that taught me what I know, shes super patient with me which is nice lol. She also does cool digital scrap stuff.
So there you go, my 10 honest things, 7 awesome bloggers and another Thanks to Jammie!
And because I feel extra grateful, one random person will get a free header w/ custom background!! I'll annouce the winners on Halloween!!! Boo!
Because I failed to promote this contest, I have extended it and will announce the winners Nov 13, I will also add a matching Twitter background. So that is a free custom Header w/ Background and Twitter bg as well!
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*Just comment here
-For additional entries (leave another comment for each)
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